COP 26 - One thing we can do - Reduce energy consumption and in turn - fuel bills
‘Earlier this year, researchers from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned of the dangers for humanity of allowing temperatures to rise by more than 1.5C this century. To keep under this threshold will require cuts in carbon emissions of around 45% by 2030 based on 2010 levels’. We need to act NOW.
Between 20-40% of UK carbon emissions come from our homes therefore reducing this is one of the main ways we can LOCAL (lessen Our Carbon And Live) and reduce our fuel bills.
There are some really useful websites which provide guidance about saving energy. http://www.theenergysavingtrust The Energy Saving Trust provides details about many types of heat pumps if this is something you are considering.
Some ideas of what could be done:
- Wait to turn heating on - review time controls
- Wear more clothes if cold
- Consume less
- Use microwave rather than gas oven
- Turn heating down - reduce thermostats on boilers and radiators
- Insulate lofts
- Add radiator reflectors
- Use smart meters
- Turn off appliances on ‘standby’.
- Add solar panels to house if possible
- Turn off lights when not needed
Have a look at Simple Energy Advice. http://www.simpleenergyadviceand Government.UK for information about government schemes and benefits e.g. Winter Fuel Payments, Cold Weather Payments, Warm Home Discounts and Household Support Funds. Not everyone is aware of what is available to them. If you need help also contact the Citizens Advice (See Making sure your home is energy efficient on their website).
I would love to hear any of your ideas for reducing energy consumption in your homes. Please share this post if you like it.